Market Drayton Town Walking Football Club (Drayton Dynamo) are hosting a tournament for regional teams to partake in on Sunday 31st October.
Our main reason for holding the tournament is to make contact and form bonds with other Walking Football Clubs in our locality, have an enjoyable, sociable sporting day, and hopefully promote the image of Walking Football as being the ideal sport for anyone in their more mature years.
In an ideal situation, we would formulate a bigger contest to be played with teams segregated by age ( i.e. 50 - 60 year olds playing 50 -60 year olds, and 60 -70 year olds playing 60 - 70 year olds) . However ,it would take a lot more time and resources to organise an event of this size than we currently have available. Bear in mind that this is only a one day event at the moment.
So taking the points above into consideration, we have decided to invite a fixed number of teams ( 8 -12 ) to take part ,with teams made up of players in any mix of ages between 50 and 75 ( but if you have any octogenarians, please feel free to stick them in too !! ) As mentioned above, it's all about fun and showing that all ages can be included within our game. It is hoped that all teams will enter into the spirit and mix their teams' ages as best they can. It really is all about taking part.
We really hope that you and your team will come along to make our day a success. Perhaps then next year we can organise a bigger, better more competitive tournament which can be more rigidly structured in terms of age .
But we have to start somewhere.
